In our upcoming game Repeat we work with world, that seems to be infinitely looped for the player. This mechanic, as simple as it is, has become increasingly challenging to implement over time. One thing that was tricky are particles. The naive ...
Categories: 3D
15. 03. 2023
21. 01. 2023
During year 2022, I've had an idea in my head for quite some time to go back to the erLett project and restart it. Alongside working on Repeat, I was building very small test applications where I was working with the Vulkan API. These were very basic things like rendering a triangle or later a working replica of Asteroids.
We have been working on Repeat for almost two years now. It all started with a promising Ludum Dare prototype and then we restarted the entire development several times. The following text will cover both demos of the game and their relationship to the already mentioned restarts.
24. 08. 2021
Play Repeat Demo on Steam In this article we will cover the ongoing development of our latest digital game Repeat and the release of a Repeat Demo on Steam. Vertical slice of the project has revealed a number of elements that we want to or ha...
30. 05. 2021
Our collective Ateliér Duchů has participated in most Ludum Dare game jams in the past few years. In march 2021 part of our studio decided to rework a game prototype that was created during Ludum Dare 47 and landed among the best ranked games. Our go...
29. 10. 2020
The autumn Ludum Dare (game-jam) with serial number 47 has closed. The result is a logical digital game, a puzzle set in 3D space with a traditional control scheme.
22. 10. 2020
The game erLett has been my solo project within the studio since the beginning of 2019. A year has passed since the last article and in this article, I will summarize the progress and changes during this period. Currently, there is a basic game co...
25. 08. 2020
The last couple of weeks have been exhausting, but the results are here! A new gameplay trailer here: As for information and media coverage, all the social networks are live. Aswell as a standalone web connecting them...
04. 05. 2020
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Kateřina a David pracují na prototypu závodní digitální hry, s prsteny v hlavní roli. Odvážný experiment, ze kterého nebylo úniku z počátku působil jako extrém, ne-li humor. Myšlen však byl zcela vážně.
29. 04. 2020
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HADR je projekt, který se mnou žije už přes dva roky. Za tu dobu byl vtipným, roztomilým i pozitivním tech-demem, ve kterém se jen poletovalo s kusem látky kolem věšáku. Byl pro mě studna, do které jsem mohl házet všechny své frustrace a stresy. Teď je na čase projekt, dokončit. V nejlepším možném čase, kvalitě a posunout se dál.