
Vojtěch Vaněk




Interaktivní výstava Kompas představuje modulární celek deskových her, které navrhujeme vždy pro specifické téma či situaci. Hlavní herní princip pro nás představuje kresba přímo do hracího pole, jehož výchozím tvarem je elipsa nebo kruh.



Repeat is a sci-fi first-person platformer with parkour and puzzle elements. The mysterious head in your hands belongs to an unknown Dullahan and she has the ability to repeat space infinitely. Face to face you try to uncover the heads mystery, who she is and how she can escape the world around you. How? And when?

Hrdina VUT

Hrdina VUT

Design and realization of a digital game for the Hrdina BUT recruitment campaign for the year 2021. The resulting game represents the point & click adventure genre, pixel art was chosen as the visual style.



Výstava Atlas prstenů - Image

Výstava Atlas prstenů

Designblok - Image


Together with the Faculty of Fine Arts (FaVU VUT), we brought to life a series of interactive cabinets.

Honba za jednorožcem - Image

Honba za jednorožcem

Honba za jednorožcem is a small digital game created for the South Moravian Innovation Center. Players team up and navigate through the intricacies of...

Pod zemí - Image

Pod zemí

Repeat restart, not a headless decision! - Image

Repeat restart, not a headless decision!

We have been working on Repeat for almost two years now. It all started with a promising Ludum Dare prototype and then we restarted the entire develop...

Kompas - vernisáž výstavy - Image

Kompas - vernisáž výstavy

PAF Spring Olomouc - Image

PAF Spring Olomouc

Vojtěch Vaněk
25. 03. 2022
Demo, release and Repeat - Image

Demo, release and Repeat

Play Repeat Demo on Steam In this article we will cover the ongoing development of our latest digital game Repeat and the release of a Repeat...

Restart, Repeat, Release - Image

Restart, Repeat, Release

Our collective Ateliér Duchů has participated in most Ludum Dare game jams in the past few years. In march 2021 part of our studio decided to rework a...

Videogame for BUT campaign 2021 - Image

Videogame for BUT campaign 2021

In the summer of 2020, we were approached by the BUT Rectorate with a question whether we are able to create a thematic digital game for But recr...

Year of the chest - Image

Year of the chest

Chest in front of me, chest behind me... That's exactly how the year of the chest has been. We must hope that the following year will let us...

Vojtěch Vaněk
08. 12. 2020
Výstava I. - post mortem - Image

Výstava I. - post mortem

Dnes 17.2.2020 je výstava v Jihlavě u konce, největším překvapením (i pro nás) byla finální reprezetnace Bohdana Heblíka. Navzdory očekávanému audio-v...

Kominikovo - Image


the year 2018 was marked by a book trip with Zdenek Zahora (Datapoust). I went back to digital creation and work on DT: Coupé (I'm still working on it...

Vojtěch Vaněk
12. 01. 2020
Jako Datapoušť... - Image

Jako Datapoušť...

Tento projekt vnímám jako "duchovního předchůdce" koncepčního i produkčního směru, kterým se bude projektová aktivita a realizace jednotlivých i kolek...

Vojtěch Vaněk
07. 12. 2017