4th Tower: Martin Lacko
Martin Lacko is a specific author who can't stand comparison. The wide radius of the author's work can also illuminate the darkest corners of contemporary art and illustrations. Across the genre map, Martin bravely travels between paraphrases of computer games and mythological themes, to the painted or digitally significant commentary of the contemporary fashion scene. The author is completely elegant in his comments, and generally, popular formalism goes beyond the intuitive humility of the subject and the chosen technique. Despite the limiting nature of fantasy world understanding, Martin can fill the deaf places of this world with consistent content and humor, whose case can be as well a comics (book) or a separate picture (painting). At the same time, for many of us, Martin represents the hope that the world is not over yet. For this signal and much more, Martin has our thanks.
Digital space The Fourth Tower respects the nature of this type and aims to present the author in the context of an equally peculiar period of digital games at the turn of the millennium. The viewer's fully-opened space focuses on the installation and projection of Martin Lacko's works in a digital unit that is specific to its architecture and theme.
Ateliér Duchů / atelierduchu.com
Technological solution and design
- Daniel Jenikovský - project lead
- Dominik Konečný
Visual solution, architecture and stylization
- Aneta Fasorová
- Miloš Frič
- Natálie Sodomková
- Zoya Volková
- Dominik Konečný
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